Wielkanocna tradycja w Yorkshire
PAChristians erect a 30-foot high cross ahead of Easter on the top of Otley Chevin in Yorkshire. The Chevin cross, first installed in 1968, has now beco...

PAChristians erect a 30-foot high cross ahead of Easter on the top of Otley Chevin in Yorkshire. The Chevin cross, first installed in 1968, has now beco...

PAChristians erect a 30-foot high cross ahead of Easter on the top of Otley Chevin in Yorkshire. The Chevin cross, first installed in 1968, has now beco...

PAChristians erect a 30-foot high cross ahead of Easter on the top of Otley Chevin in Yorkshire. The Chevin cross, first installed in 1968, has now beco...

PAChristians erect a 30-foot high cross ahead of Easter on the top of Otley Chevin in Yorkshire. The Chevin cross, first installed in 1968, has now beco...

PAChristians erect a 30-foot high cross ahead of Easter on the top of Otley Chevin in Yorkshire. The Chevin cross, first installed in 1968, has now beco...
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