Pokazy mody ślubnej w Lahore
AFPA model presents a creation by Ali Xeeshan during the Hum Bridal Couture Week in Lahore on February 6, 2021. (Photo by Arif ALI / AFP)

AFPModels presents creations by Ali Xeeshan during the Hum Bridal Couture Week in Lahore on February 6, 2021.?? (Photo by Arif ALI / AFP)

AFPA model presents a creation by Ali Xeeshan during the Hum Bridal Couture Week in Lahore on February 6, 2021.?? (Photo by Arif ALI / AFP)

AFPModels present creations by Ali Xeeshan during the Hum Bridal Couture Week in Lahore on February 6, 2021.?? (Photo by Arif ALI / AFP)

AFPModelS present creations by Ali Xeeshan during the Hum Bridal Couture Week in Lahore on February 6, 2021.?? (Photo by Arif ALI / AFP)

AFPA model presents a creation by Ali Xeeshan during the Hum Bridal Couture Week in Lahore on February 6, 2021.?? (Photo by Arif ALI / AFP)

AFPModels present creations by Ali Xeeshan during the Hum Bridal Couture Week in Lahore on February 6, 2021.?? (Photo by Arif ALI / AFP)

AFPModels present creations by Ali Xeeshan during the Hum Bridal Couture Week in Lahore on February 6, 2021.?? (Photo by Arif ALI / AFP)

AFPA model presents a creation by Ali Xeeshan during the Hum Bridal Couture Week in Lahore on February 6, 2021.?? (Photo by Arif ALI / AFP)

AFPModels present creations by Ali Xeeshan during the Hum Bridal Couture Week in Lahore on February 6, 2021.?? (Photo by Arif ALI / AFP)

AFPModels present creations by Ali Xeeshan during the Hum Bridal Couture Week in Lahore on February 6, 2021.?? (Photo by Arif ALI / AFP)

AFPModels present creations by Ali Xeeshan during the Hum Bridal Couture Week in Lahore on February 6, 2021.?? (Photo by Arif ALI / AFP)

AFPModels present creations by Ali Xeeshan during the Hum Bridal Couture Week in Lahore on February 6, 2021.?? (Photo by Arif ALI / AFP)

AFPModels present creations by Ali Xeeshan during the Hum Bridal Couture Week in Lahore on February 6, 2021.?? (Photo by Arif ALI / AFP)

AFPModels present creations by Ali Xeeshan during the Hum Bridal Couture Week in Lahore on February 6, 2021.?? (Photo by Arif ALI / AFP)

AFPModels present creations by Ayesha and Usman Ali during the Hum Bridal Couture Week in Lahore on February 6, 2021.?? (Photo by Arif ALI / AFP)

AFPA model presents a creation by Ayesha and Usman Ali during the Hum Bridal Couture Week in Lahore on February 6, 2021.?? (Photo by Arif ALI / AFP)

AFPA model presents a creation by Ayesha and Usman Ali during the Hum Bridal Couture Week in Lahore on February 6, 2021.?? (Photo by Arif ALI / AFP)

AFPModels present creations by Ayesha and Usman Ali during the Hum Bridal Couture Week in Lahore on February 6, 2021.?? (Photo by Arif ALI / AFP)

AFPModels present creations by Ayesha and Usman Ali during the Hum Bridal Couture Week in Lahore on February 6, 2021.?? (Photo by Arif ALI / AFP)

AFPA model presents a creation by Ayesha and Usman Ali during the Hum Bridal Couture Week in Lahore on February 6, 2021.?? (Photo by Arif ALI / AFP)

AFPModels present creations by Ayesha and Usman Ali during the Hum Bridal Couture Week in Lahore on February 6, 2021.?? (Photo by Arif ALI / AFP)

AFPModels present creations by Ayesha and Usman Ali during the Hum Bridal Couture Week in Lahore on February 6, 2021.?? (Photo by Arif ALI / AFP)

AFPA model presents a creation by Nisa Hussain during the Hum Bridal Couture Week in Lahore on February 6, 2021.?? (Photo by Arif ALI / AFP)
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