Sesja filmu The Room Next Door w Paryżu
ABAFrench actress Constance Gay poses for a photo-call for the film La Chambre d’a cote at the Pathe Cinema in Paris, on December 16, 2024. Photo by Fira...

ABAFrench actress Constance Gay poses for a photo-call for the film La Chambre d’a cote at the Pathe Cinema in Paris, on December 16, 2024. Photo by Fira...

ABAFrench fashion designer Jean Paul Gaultier poses for a photo-call for the film La Chambre d’a cote at the Pathe Cinema in Paris, on December 16, 2024....

ABABritish actress Tilda Swinton poses next to American actress Julianne Moore for a photo-call for the film La Chambre d’a cote at the Pathe Cinema in P...

ABABritish actress Tilda Swinton poses next to American actress Julianne Moore for a photo-call for the film La Chambre d’a cote at the Pathe Cinema in P...

ABAAmerican actress Julianne Moore poses for a photo-call for the film La Chambre d’a cote at the Pathe Cinema in Paris, on December 16, 2024. Photo by F...

ABABritish actress Tilda Swinton poses for a photo-call for the film La Chambre d’a cote at the Pathe Cinema in Paris, on December 16, 2024. Photo by Fir...

ABABritish actress Tilda Swinton poses for a photo-call for the film La Chambre d’a cote at the Pathe Cinema in Paris, on December 16, 2024. Photo by Fir...

ABABritish actress Tilda Swinton poses for a photo-call for the film La Chambre d’a cote at the Pathe Cinema in Paris, on December 16, 2024. Photo by Fir...

ABAFrench fashion designer Christian Louboutin poses for a photo-call for the film La Chambre d’a cote at the Pathe Cinema in Paris, on December 16, 2024...

ABAAmerican actress Julianne Moore poses for a photo-call for the film La Chambre d’a cote at the Pathe Cinema in Paris, on December 16, 2024. Photo by F...

ABASpanish film director and screenwriter Pedro Almodovar poses for a photo-call for the film La Chambre d’a cote at the Pathe Cinema in Paris, on Decemb...

ABASpanish film director and screenwriter Pedro Almodovar poses for a photo-call for the film La Chambre d’a cote at the Pathe Cinema in Paris, on Decemb...

ABABritish actress Tilda Swinton poses next to Spanish film director and screenwriter Pedro Almodovar and American actress Julianne Moore for a photo-cal...

ABASpanish film director and screenwriter Pedro Almodovar poses for a photo-call for the film La Chambre d’a cote at the Pathe Cinema in Paris, on Decemb...

ABABritish actress Tilda Swinton poses next to Spanish film director and screenwriter Pedro Almodovar and American actress Julianne Moore for a photo-cal...

ABAFrench fashion designer Christian Louboutin poses for a photo-call for the film La Chambre d’a cote at the Pathe Cinema in Paris, on December 16, 2024...

ABAFrench fashion designer Christian Louboutin poses for a photo-call for the film La Chambre d’a cote at the Pathe Cinema in Paris, on December 16, 2024...

SIPTilda Swinton et Julianne Moore a l Avant Premiere du film La Chambre d A Cote au cinema Pathe Palace a Paris le 16 decembre 2024
Tilda Swinton and Ju...

SIPPedro Almodovar a l Avant Premiere du film La Chambre d A Cote au cinema Pathe Palace a Paris le 16 decembre 2024
Pedro Almodovar at the Avant Premi...

SIPPedro Almodovar et Julianne Moore a l Avant Premiere du film La Chambre d A Cote au cinema Pathe Palace a Paris le 16 decembre 2024
Pedro Almodovar an...

SIPJulianne Moore a l Avant Premiere du film La Chambre d A Cote au cinema Pathe Palace a Paris le 16 decembre 2024
Julianne Mooreat the Avant Premiere...

SIPJulianne Moore a l Avant Premiere du film La Chambre d A Cote au cinema Pathe Palace a Paris le 16 decembre 2024
Julianne Mooreat the Avant Premiere...

AFPFrench actress Constance Gay poses during the photocall for the premiere of the Spanish film "La Habitacion de al Lado" ("The Room Next Door") at the...

AFPFrench actress Constance Gay poses during the photocall for the premiere of the Spanish film "La Habitacion de al Lado" ("The Room Next Door") at the...

AFPSpanish film director Pedro Almodovar (C) poses with US actress Julianne Moore (R) and British actress Tilda Swinton during the photocall for the prem...

AFPUS actress Julianne Moore (R) and British actress Tilda Swinton pose during the photocall for the premiere of the Spanish film "La Habitacion de al La...

AFPUS actress Julianne Moore (R) and British actress Tilda Swinton pose during the photocall for the premiere of the Spanish film "La Habitacion de al La...

AFPSpanish film director Pedro Almodovar (C) poses with US actress Julianne Moore (R) and British actress Tilda Swinton during the photocall for the prem...

AFPSpanish film director Pedro Almodovar (R) speaks with British actress Tilda Swinton during the photocall for the premiere of the Spanish film "La Habi...

AFPUS actress Julianne Moore poses during the photocall for the premiere of the Spanish film "La Habitacion de al Lado" ("The Room Next Door") at the Pat...

AFPUS actress Julianne Moore (R) and British actress Tilda Swinton pose during the photocall for the premiere of the Spanish film "La Habitacion de al La...

AFPBritish actress Tilda Swinton poses during the photocall for the premiere of the Spanish film "La Habitacion de al Lado" ("The Room Next Door") at the...

AFPBritish actress Tilda Swinton poses during the photocall for the premiere of the Spanish film "La Habitacion de al Lado" ("The Room Next Door") at the...

AFPBritish actress Tilda Swinton poses during the photocall for the premiere of the Spanish film "La Habitacion de al Lado" ("The Room Next Door") at the...

AFPBritish actress Tilda Swinton poses during the photocall for the premiere of the Spanish film "La Habitacion de al Lado" ("The Room Next Door") at the...

AFPSpanish film director Pedro Almodovar (R) poses with French actor Paolo Luka Noe during the photocall for the premiere of the Spanish film "La Habitac...

AFPSpanish film director Pedro Almodovar poses during the photocall for the premiere of the Spanish film "La Habitacion de al Lado" ("The Room Next Door"...

AFPSpanish film director Pedro Almodovar poses during the photocall for the premiere of the Spanish film "La Habitacion de al Lado" ("The Room Next Door"...

AFPUS actress Julianne Moore poses during the photocall for the premiere of the Spanish film "La Habitacion de al Lado" ("The Room Next Door") at the Pat...

AFPFrench fashion designer Christian Louboutin poses during the photocall for the premiere of the Spanish film "La Habitacion de al Lado" ("The Room Next...

AFPFrench fashion designer Christian Louboutin poses during the photocall for the premiere of the Spanish film "La Habitacion de al Lado" ("The Room Next...
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