Międzynarodowy Dzień Solidarności z Palestyną
REXMandatory Credit: Photo by Dave Decker/ZUMA Press Wire/Shutterstock (14958408i)
Members of the Party for Socialism and Liberation, Palestinian commun...

REXMandatory Credit: Photo by Dave Decker/ZUMA Press Wire/Shutterstock (14958408h)
Members of the Party for Socialism and Liberation, Palestinian commun...

REXMandatory Credit: Photo by Dave Decker/ZUMA Press Wire/Shutterstock (14958408c)
Members of the Party for Socialism and Liberation, Palestinian commun...

NURIndonesian people shout slogans and hold placards during a pro-Palestinian demonstration in front of the US Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia, on November...

NURAn Indonesian woman attends a rally during a pro-Palestinian demonstration in front of the US Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia, on November 29, 2024, coi...

NURIndonesian people shout slogans and hold placards during a pro-Palestinian demonstration in front of the US Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia, on November...

NURStudents of Dhaka University organize a ''March for Palestine'' in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on November 29, 2024, to mark the International Day of Solidarit...

NURStudents of Dhaka University organize a ''March for Palestine'' in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on November 29, 2024, to mark the International Day of Solidarit...

NURIn Jerusalem, Israel, on November 29, 2024, Israeli police try to prevent demonstrators from marching as a group of Israeli demonstrators carrying ban...

NURIn Jerusalem, Israel, on November 29, 2024, Israeli police try to prevent demonstrators from marching as a group of Israeli demonstrators carrying ban...
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